How Well is Chicago Fighting the Covid-19 Pandemic?

Sarah Abuosba
2 min readMar 16, 2021


The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the city of Chicago very hard for many months, and it appears it has finally began to improve.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has been a major tragedy for not only Chicagoans, but people all over the world.

Chicago was majorly impacted by the pandemic from the beginning. According to the New York Times, Illinois alone has had over 1.2 million cases and over 23,000 deaths.

Illinois was hit hard, especially its biggest city, Chicago. Covid-19 cases skyrocketed since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020.

In May of 2020, there was a peak of Covid-19 cases, according to The City of Chicago Data Portal.

The two races that contain the greatest amount of positive Covid-19 cases were the Black and White races; making up 35% of the positive tests.

It was also interesting that between the tests that were taken, women were tested more frequently than men, meanwhile men have had more positive tests than their female counterparts, according to the City of Chicago Data Portal.

The younger population seems to contribute greatly to these numbers due to their great contribution of positive tests for the virus.

The great news is that Chicago’s Covid-19 cases have decreased 97% since its outbreak in December of 2020.

Due to the introduction of the vaccine and the accessibility of certain civilians to get the vaccination, the cases may have minimized due to this factor.

Universities and colleges have been discussing the reopening of their campuses for students in the fall and it appears the worst of the pandemic may be behind Chicagoans.

