City of Chicago Speeding Cameras

Sarah Abuosba
2 min readMar 9, 2021


Speeding Cameras are dispersed throughout the City of Chicago and have been used to aid in catching speeding cars.

Source: City of Chicago Data Portal

The use of Speeding Cameras has been a tool used in discovering speeding cars for many years.

A citation will be issued — either to the registered owner or the driver, depending on the enabling legislation — if the driver exceeded the speed limit, typically by more than 10 or 11 mph, according to Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

There has been a lot of discussion revolving around whether street cameras are constitutional and many states have refrained from having street cameras.

Recent trends show fewer governments are operating red-light and speed cameras. In Missouri, the state’s Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that red-light and speed cameras were unconstitutional, according to National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).

The City of Chicago has seemed to believe in the importance of street cameras as it serves the city great justice.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Chicago is dealing with a huge problem of lack of trust between its Police Department and minority communities.

It seems to come down to the fact that there is no middle ground in the argument of whether street cameras should be present or not.

When it comes to video cameras, there always has been a fine line between safety and privacy. There seems to be no middle ground, according to the Chicago Tribune

The City of Chicago is known for its high crime all throughout the country and it is no secret that the cameras have been aiding the police departments in controlling crime.

It does not seem that there is a middle ground when it comes to cities like the city of Chicago.

The map displays the great use of cameras in the city and it has aided in catching crimes for the Chicago Police Department.

